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Name Hospital Specialty Address City, State, Zip Phone Fax NPI
Perumalsamy, Kumaravel, MD Adventist Health Tehachapi Valley 1331 W Ave J Ste 202 Lancaster, CA 93536 (661) 529-7550 (661) 529-7560 1851484323
Perumalsamy, Kumaravel, MD Adventist Health Bakersfield 1331 W Ave J Ste 202 Lancaster, CA 93536 (661) 529-7550 (661) 529-7560 1851484323
Tyagi, Vivaik, MD Adventist Health Tehachapi Valley 1331 W Ave J Ste 202 Lancaster, CA 93534 (661) 529-7550 (661) 529-7560 1073612545


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 California Members 

   Tier One providers must meet one of the following criteria: 


   Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: 


   Tier Three providers must meet the following criteria: 

   *If traveling outside of California, utilize the First Health PPO network. No out of network coverage available for California associates traveling outside of California.


 Oregon Members

   Tier One providers must meet one of the following criteria: 


   Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: 

   *If traveling outside of Oregon, utilize the First Health PPO network.


 All other States:

   Tier One providers must meet one of the following criteria: 


   Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: 


   Loma Linda Medical Center and Loma Linda Medical Center-Murietta are considered Adventist Health facilities for medical benefits purposes. 

Unless otherwise stated, all text & images (C) Adventist Health 2018. All Rights Reserved.